Edition 2023

Early Music Day takes place every year on 21 March, at the initiative of REMA. This celebration of more than a thousand years of music, through concerts and events taking place simultaneously around the world, is an opportunity for Europeans to (re)discover our musical heritage!

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Bembo - Jacquet de la Guerre

02/03/2023 20:00 UTC (02/03/2023 21:00 CET)

Bembo - Jacquet de la Guerre On-site

Les Epopées France
Cathédrale Saint-Louis des Invalides, 129 rue de Grenelle, 75007 Paris
A precious testimony to the all too rare pages written by female composers (Bembo and Jacquet de la Guerre) in France during the reign of Louis XIV. With Marie Perbost, Claire Lefilliâtre and Les Epopées under the direction of Stéphane Fuget. 
Les Epopées
Marie Perbost soprano
Claire Lefilliâtre soprano
Stéphane Fuget direction 
Apple and Cherry, let us make merry - an afternoon of mouthwatering madrigals with the Sydney MADriGALS & GUYS.

21/03/2023 18:00 UTC (21/03/2023 19:00 CET)

Apple and Cherry, let us make merry - an afternoon of mouthwatering madrigals with the Sydney MADriGALS & GUYS. On-site

Nadia Piave Australia
Campbell Street Presbyterian Church, 7 Campbell St, NSW 2041 Balmain
The MADriGALS&GUYS is a community singing group made up of amateurs and professionals, musicians and non-musicians, formed to promote the singing of madrigals, chorales, roundelays and carols for joy and wellbeing.
Händel jazzt! Peel me a grape

21/03/2023 15:00 CET

Händel jazzt! Peel me a grape Online

Int. Händel Festspiele Göttingen Germany
The more than 100 female figures that George Frideric Handel depicts in his works are often self-confident, courageous and strong women. This concert examines them, and builds a musical bridge between Handel’s music and the world of jazz.
Anette von Eichel - Vocals
Marko Lackner - Saxophone
Sebastian Sternal - Piano
Henning Sieverts - Bass
Jonas Burgwinkel - Drums
Organ recital - Bach & Böhm

21/03/2023 13:10 GMT (21/03/2023 14:10 CET)

Organ recital - Bach & Böhm On-site

Mayfair Organ Concerts - Grosvenor Chapel United Kingdom
Grosvenor Chapel, 24 South Audley Street, Mayfair,  W1K 2PA London
Organ recital with music by Bach & Böhm. The programme contrasts the music of one of Bach’s earliest influences with two of his mature organ works.
Andrew Benson-Wilson organ
Concert Méditerranée Sacrée Les éléments

21/03/2023 20:00 CET

Concert Méditerranée Sacrée Les éléments On-site

Scène Nationale du Grand Narbonne France
Eglise Saint-Paul-Serge , 21 rue Arago , 11100 Narbonne
With the programme Méditerranée Sacrée, The Elements invites us to escape to the shores of the Mediterranean, the source of so many stories and faith. These compositions from the Renaissance, the Baroque and today, in which songs in Aramaic, Latin, Hebrew, Arabic and ancient Greek are interwoven, are an invitation to meditation. 
Chœur de chambre Les éléments
Un Paseo en Vihuela

25/09/2022 19:00 CEST

Un Paseo en Vihuela Online

Xivert Històric Spain
Iglesia de San Juan Bautista,, Plaza de la Iglesia, s/n, 12570 Alcalà de Xivert
A video selection of my concert at the above-mentioned venue last 25th September 2022.
Joaquim Bogunyà, vihuelist
Early Music Day Copenhagen

21/03/2023 21:00 CET (21/03/2023 21:00 CET)

Early Music Day Copenhagen Online and On-site

KoncertKirken Blågårds Plads, Blågårds Pl. 6A, 2200 København
Scandinavian Cornetts and Sackbuts
Lene Langballe (DK), cornetto, Marit Bjørnsen (NO), alt basun, Daniel Stighäll (SE), tenor basun, Nils Carlsson (SE), tenor basun, Anne Kirstine Mathiesen (DK), orgel.
Musik af Orologio, Borgrevinck, Pedersøn, Dowland, Gabrieli, Guami, Frescobaldi, Susato
Early Music Day Copenhagen

21/03/2023 19:30 CET (21/03/2023 19:30 CET)

Early Music Day Copenhagen Online and On-site

KoncertKirken Blågårds Plads, Blågårds Pl. 6A, 2200 København
Musica Ficta & Bo Holten
Palestrina: Marcellus messen
Early Music Day Copenhagen

21/03/2023 16:30 CET (21/03/2023 16:30 CET)

Early Music Day Copenhagen Online and On-site

KoncertKirken Blågårds Plads, Blågårds Pl. 6A, 2200 København
Hildegard von Bingen

Agnethe Christensen, sang, kantele, Elisabeth Gaver, fidel, rebec.
Bacho Continuo - The Power of Darkness

21/03/2023 19:00 CET (21/03/2023 19:00 CET)

Bacho Continuo - The Power of Darkness On-site

Stockholm Early Music Festival / Early Music Sweden Sweden
Musikaliska Concert House, Nybrokajen 11, Stockholm
3 cantatas for bas and continuo by J S Bach
Staffan Liljas, bas & Baroque Ensemble
Meet the Composers

26/03/2023 14:00 IST (26/03/2023 15:00 CEST)

Meet the Composers On-site

Limerick Early Music Festival Ireland
Belltable, Belltable, 69 O’Connell Street, Limerick V94 FK0H, Limerick
Audience members are warmly invited to the Belltable foyer to meet composers Asako Hirabayashi, Fiona Linnane, Edwin McClean and members of LNME immediately following the concert DIALOGUES: Creative Conversations Between Old and New.

With Asako Hirabayashi, Fiona Linnane, and members of LNME.

This event will take place in the foyer of Belltable. Free event, booking essential.

This event is part of the Limerick Early Music Festival (24-26 March). 
Giornata della Musica Antica - Palazzo Mezzopreti

20/03/2023 10:00 CET (20/03/2023 10:00 CET)

Giornata della Musica Antica - Palazzo Mezzopreti On-site

Conservatorio di Musica "Luiza d'Annunzio" di Pescara Italy
Palazzo Mezzopreti - Gomez, Conservatorio di Musica "Luiza d'Annunzio", Viale Muzii, 5 - 65100 PESCARA, PESCARA (ABRUZZO)
Seminario, concerti, esposizione

Monday 20 March 2023: Seminar.
10 a.m.-12.30 p.m. and 1.30-3.30 p.m.
"J. S. Bach: Clavier-Werke 2023: Le Suites Anglois BWV 806-811".
Organised by Massimo Salcito (teacher of the Conservatory's Harpsichord and Historical Keyboard courses)

Tuesday 21 March 2023: Concerts.
10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
"J. S. Bach: Clavier-Werke 2023: Le Suites Anglois BWV 806-811".
Massimo Salcito, Harpsichord

6.00 p.m.
"Beauty and Wonder: The Triumph of the German Baroque in the 18th Century".
Pierluigi Mencattini, Baroque Violin
Roberto Torto, Recorder
Stefania Di Giuseppe, Harpsichord

Monday 20 and Tuesday 21 March: Exhibition tour
"J. S. Bach, Clavier-Werke: Bach in Italy".
Explanatory panels - Books - Records
Massimo Salcito, Harpsichord, speaker, exhibition leader

Pierluigi Mencattini, Baroque Violin
Roberto Torto, Recorder
Stefania Di Giuseppe, Harpsichord
Concert - Love potion, enchantments and spells...

24/03/2023 20:30 CET

Concert - Love potion, enchantments and spells... On-site

Lili Aymonino & Léa Masson France
Pierresvives (Montpellier), 907, rue du Professeur Blayac, Montpellier
Friday 24 March at 8.30 pm - Concert - Lili Aymonino, Léa Masson - Amphitheatre of Pierresvives (Montpellier)
Title :
Philtre d'amour, enchantements et sortilèges...
Arias from courts and lyrical tragedies
(Charpentier, Lambert, Rameau, Lully, Marais)

"From a secret fire I feel consumed", Michel Lambert (1610-1696)
"Rocks, you are deaf", aria from Ariane by Michel Lambert
"Junon, dans un lieu solitaire", aria from Dircée, Ariane et Bacchus by Marin Marais (1656-1728)
"Vos mépris, chaque jour", Michel Lambert
"Désirs, transports", aria from Eolie, Circé by Henri Desmarets (1661-1741)
"Tristes apprêts", aria from Télaïre, Castor et Pollux by Jean-Philippe Rameau (1683-1764)
"Ombre de mon amant", Michel Lambert
"Ténébreuse nuit", by Étienne Moulinié (1599-1676)
"C'est ainsi qu'en regret sa douleur se déclare", French cantata by Jean-Baptiste Morin (1677-1754)
"Ah quelle rigueur extrême", aria from Circé, Circé by Henri Desmarets
"Tristes déserts", Marc-Antoine Charpentier (1643-1704)
"Quel prix de mon amour", aria from Médée, Médée by Marc-Antoine Charpentier
"I had thought that by loving you", anonymous
"Objet dont les charmes si doux", Antoine Boësset (1587-1643)
"Ah, c'est trop retenir mes pleurs", air d'Astérie, Circé by Henri Desmarets
"Si c'est un bien que l'espérance", Joseph Chabanceau de La Barre (1633-1678)
"Sans frayeur dans ces bois", Marc-Antoine Charpentier
" Les plaisirs ont choisi pour asile ", final chaconne of Armide by Jean-Baptiste Lully (1632-1987)
Born into a family of traditional singers, Lili Aymonino practised acting and singing on stage at a very early age before joining the children's choir of the Bordeaux Opera. After a DEM in lyrical singing from the CRR in Paris, she trained as a concert performer with Elsa Maurus and explored the baroque repertoire with Stéphane Fuget. As a young lyric soprano, she regularly collaborates as a soloist with the Opéra de Versailles, and made her debut at the Opéra de Tours in 2022.
As a guitarist, theorbist and chamber musician, Léa Masson was convinced at an early age of the importance of cultural and stylistic diversity in the approach to musical interpretation. During her classical guitar studies at the CNSM in Paris (class of Olivier Chassain), she developed a passion for chamber music, which led her to specialise in this discipline, both as a performer (master's degree in chamber music, class of Michel Moraguès) and as a musicologist (master's degree in musicology). It is this same interest in ensemble music that led him to discover the theorbo, the instrument of choice for accompanying baroque music. After two years of optional study in the class of Éric Bellocq and a specialisation in basso continuo with Frédéric Michel, she performs regularly as a soloist and in ensembles with this instrument.
Lili Aymonino and Léa Masson are both soloists with the choir and orchestra of the Opéra royal de Versailles.
Free admission subject to availability of seats
Lili Aymonino, soprano
Léa Masson, theorbo
Théorie de mes cordes

21/03/2023 21:00 CET

Théorie de mes cordes On-site

Théâtre de l’Ile saint Louis France
Théâtre de l’Ile saint Louis, 39 Quai d'Anjou, 75004 Paris
Après un parcours professionnel dans la recherche en sociologie et les langues orientales, Camille devient violoniste professionnelle, renouant avec ses amours adolescentes. Le violon fait partie intégrante de son corps. Il l'inspire, la soulage, mais l'épuise aussi quand il devient un travail, un lieu de lutte sociale ou de combat intérieur, et aussi un moyen de gagner sa vie. Camille raconte ici, une sorte de conquête de soi à travers le désir de devenir violoniste. Elle y mêle ses souvenirs notés dans ses carnets de l'époque, des portraits-hommages à ses professeures.  Elle va vers son violon rétif comme on dresse un cheval. Elle souffre, désespère, trouve l'apaisement sur les terrasses ensoleillées de Palestine, puis découvre l'équilibre dans le Trégor. Histoire de chutes, d'espoirs, d'encouragements pour qu'enfin arrive la lumière et le "son fluide longtemps désiré.

Ce seule en scène, récit à la première personne, tisse des pièces pour violon ou alto tirées du répertoire baroque, mais aussi de la musique irlandaise traditionnelle et une partita pour violon seul de Philip Glass.

"Octobre 2012. Je travaille dans un bureau qui s'appelle l'Office. La pierre en est grise et lisse et son atmosphère m'oppresse. Heureusement, je me rends une fois par semaine au Conservatoire de la Courneuve dont le bois clair et chaud de l'auditorium me permet de respirer. »
Camille Aubret, violons et alto
Bach & Pergolesi

23/03/2023 20:00 CET

Bach & Pergolesi On-site

B'Rock Orchestra France
MC2, 4 Rue Paul Claudel, 38100 Grenoble
Bach, Johann Sebastian (1685-1750) | Vergnuegte Ruh, beliebte Seelenlust - Cantata, BWV170 | 
Bach, Johann Sebastian (1685-1750) | Mein Herze schwimmt im Blut- Cantate, BWV199 
Pergolesi, Giovanni Battista (1710-1736) | Stabat Mater
René Jacobs | Direction
Kateryna Kasper | Soprano
Helena Rasker | Mezzo-soprano
B'Rock Orchestra
Fiori Barocchi, l’era di J. S. Bach

26/03/2023 17:00 CEST

Fiori Barocchi, l’era di J. S. Bach On-site

Accademia “Pietro Bertani” Italy
Auditorium di Maccagno, Via Pietro Valsecchi 23, Maccagno con Pino e Veddasca (VA)
Showcase of the best students of musical conservatoires and academies of high Lombardy performing the best pieces of the baroque era. (Conservatorio “G. Puccini”, Conservatorio “G. Cantelli”, Liceo Musicale “R. Malipiero”, Accademia “P. Bertani”, Scuola “N. Paganini”)
Barbara Berlusconi, docente
Silvia Gatti, docente
Laura Gianantonio, docente
Gabriele Salemi, docente
Family workshop - "My viola da gamba is missing!"

25/03/2023 14:00 CET

Family workshop - "My viola da gamba is missing!" On-site

Les Ombres - Margaux Blanchard et Marie-Catherine Massé France
Médiathèque Emile Zola (Montpellier), 218, boulevard de l’Aéroport international, Montpellier
"My viola da gamba has disappeared!
As part of the European Early Music Days, go in search of the missing viola da gamba, with the violist Margaux Blanchard and the violin maker Marie-Catherine Massé. Young and old alike, come and meet an instrument unlike any other in a fun and interactive way, and rediscover a magical sound that has been travelling for 400 years!
30-minute workshop - 20 people maximum
Departures at 2pm, 2.30pm, 3pm and 3.30pm
Free workshop, on registration by phone at and directly on site at the music bank

Sought after for the generosity of her musical gesture, the violinist Margaux Blanchard is solicited by the musical directors Jordi Savall, Leonardo García Alarcón, François-Xavier Roth, and performs at the Garnier, Bastille, and Comique opera houses, as well as in Versailles, Amsterdam, Cologne, Geneva, Buenos Aires, Tokyo and New York. A complete artist, she has sung in opera from a very young age, and has an instinctive relationship with the stage. Singing guides her in her quest for the "ideal phrasing", dance inspires her rhythmic architecture, with the practice of keyboards, from piano to harpsichord, as a foundation. As a child, she discovered and was initiated into the playing of the treble and bass viol with Ariane Maurette at the CRR in Paris, and deepened her knowledge during her master's degree with Paolo Pandolfo at the Schola Cantorum in Basle, and outside with Jordi Savall, Marianne Muller and Jérôme Hantaï.
In demand as a soloist, chamber musician and continuo player, it was through her encounter with the Argentine harpsichordist and conductor Alarcón that she naturally turned to accompanying singers. He spotted her in 2005 at the Ambronay Academy, and in 2007 invited her to join the continuo of his ensemble Cappella Mediterranea. In 2008 she co-founded the ensemble Les Ombres, and in 2009 she was one of the youngest graduates. Since 2011 she has been teaching the harmonic and melodic duality of her instrument.
She is developing her network in Switzerland and France, and in Occitania she is setting up her ensemble with the flutist Sylvain Sartre, whom she met at the Schola. Together, they compose immersive performances that have made their group a collective in its own right, with a desire to reach out to all audiences for over ten years.
Marie-Catherine Massé discovered violin making as a teenager, when she went to a workshop to have her grandfather's violin serviced. After her baccalaureate, she joined the Bottega di Parma school in Italy, where she began her two-year apprenticeship. At the same time, she discovered baroque instruments, including the viola da gamba, which led her to West Dean College in England, where she studied violin making and historical research, as well as arching, carving, restoration and instrumental playing. After graduating, she joined London workshops to restore instruments, while maintaining a strong interest in making and working with violin makers.
On her return to France, encouraged by musician friends, she opened her workshop in late 2017 in the heart of Béziers. The workshop is dedicated to the making of violins, violas and cellos, and especially violas da gamba, while keeping a place for maintenance and repairs. The workshop expanded in February 2018, and then opened its doors in Ganges at the beginning of 2022, in a former hosiery factory specially fitted out to accommodate it. Marie-Catherine Massé is the winner of the Artinovart's competition in 2022 in the "Métier d'art" category.
Margaux Blanchard, violiste
Marie-Catherine Massé, luthière
Bach & Pergolesi

25/03/2023 20:30 CET

Bach & Pergolesi On-site

B'Rock Orchestra France
La Coursive, 4 Rue St Jean du Pérot, 17000 La Rochelle
Bach, Johann Sebastian (1685-1750) | Vergnuegte Ruh, beliebte Seelenlust - Cantata, BWV170 | 
Bach, Johann Sebastian (1685-1750) | Mein Herze schwimmt im Blut- Cantate, BWV199 
Pergolesi, Giovanni Battista (1710-1736) | Stabat Mater
René Jacobs | Direction
Kateryna Kasper | Soprano
Helena Rasker | Mezzo-soprano
B'Rock Orchestra
Bach & Pergolesi

21/03/2023 20:00 CET

Bach & Pergolesi On-site

B'Rock Orchestra France
Chapelle Corneille, 30 Rue Bourg l'Abbé, 76000 Rouen
Bach, Johann Sebastian (1685-1750) | Vergnuegte Ruh, beliebte Seelenlust - Cantata, BWV170 | 
Bach, Johann Sebastian (1685-1750) | Mein Herze schwimmt im Blut- Cantate, BWV199 
Pergolesi, Giovanni Battista (1710-1736) | Stabat Mater
René Jacobs | Direction
Kateryna Kasper | Soprano
Helena Rasker | Mezzo-soprano
B'Rock Orchestra
Bach Violin Sonatas

21/03/2023 19:00 GMT (21/03/2023 20:00 CET)

Bach Violin Sonatas On-site

Cambridge Early Music and Kellaway Concert Series at St Catharine’s College, Cambridge United Kingdom
St Catharine's College Chapel, St Catharine's College Chapel, Trumpington St, CB2 1RL, Cambridge
Full of imagination, intricate detail and sublime beauty, these works are also innovative in their exploration of texture and their placing of the harpsichord on an equal footing with the violin.

The concert includes the following sonatas: B minor BWV 1014, E major BWV 1016, E minor BWV 1023 and G major BWV 1019 (with the ‘Aria’ as the third movement 3).
Violinist Adrian Butterfield and harpsichordist Silas Wollston
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.
REMA is funded with support from the French Ministry of Culture.